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There’s something so satisfying about seeing a long term project come to fruition over weeks, months or even years – especially when you’ve put in the hard yards yourself.

Our master craftsmen put a huge amount of time and effort into ensuring each component of our bespoke vehicles fits together the way it’s supposed to – meaning the assembly of each vehicle is easily undertaken in garages and indoor workshops after hours or on weekends.

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There’s absolutely nothing like sitting in a car and knowing that you poured your heart and soul into it. Every nut and bolt, every part of the car, is there because of you.

All the engineering and the tricky parts are done by our team in advance, so you get to put it all together, safe in the knowledge that you’ve built a customised, amazing car just the way you like it.


The best part is, you won’t be alone during the build process. The Fraser team are more than happy to answer questions at any stage of the build process. Whether you’re just toying with the idea of building your own vehicle or need some advice on maintenance down the line, we’re more than happy to set you right. We’ve also got an online community – the Fraser Pit – where you can upload photos of your progress or ask for help with a curly part of the build from other members of our Fraser family.

Many a friendship has been formed under the hood of a vehicle, and many a problem set to rights as well. This might just be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for to nurture a new friendship or start an inter-generational family project. It would be our pleasure to welcome you into our Fraser family, so get in touch today.