Custom Fabrication 1976 Chevy Malibu To help build someone's dream, is our daily reality. We feel immense pride when a…Fraser CarsOctober 3, 2019
Custom Fabrication Fraser Staff Projects Bruce, our Fraser body craftsman, designed and fabricated a stainless steel sphere. It was made as…Fraser CarsAugust 15, 2017
Build UpdatesCustom FabricationFraser ClubmanKit CarsLotus 7 ReplicaUncategorized Building a Clubman Bruce has been handcrafting the aluminum bodywork on Fraser 330. This part of building the…Fraser CarsAugust 28, 2013
Build UpdatesCustom FabricationFraser ClubmanFraser CustomsKit CarsLotus 7 Replica In the Workshop Today… It is a busy start to 2013 for the Fraser team. Bruce is handcrafting a…Fraser CarsJanuary 8, 2013
Custom FabricationEventKit CarsLotus 7 Replica Speedshow 2012 – Unveiling DMOFSR the second The CRC Speedshow for 2012 has been and gone. What an amazing weekend. The Fraser…Fraser CarsAugust 21, 2012
Custom FabricationKit CarsLotus 7 ReplicaParts Crafting Custom Roll Bars The Fraser Team craft parts for Frasers, Lotus 7s and replicas, and other bespoke cars…Fraser CarsMarch 16, 2012
Build UpdatesCustom FabricationFraser Customs New Project – Custom Motorbike This bike started life as a Honda CB200. The Fraser Team are looking forward to…Fraser CarsMarch 12, 2012
Custom FabricationFraser Customs Fraser Customs – Upcycling the Kiwi Way Handcrafted, quality New Zealand manufacturing went on show at the Fraser Cars stand as they…Fraser CarsJuly 27, 2011
Custom Fabrication Chevy Fleetline – Cover ‘Girl’ of NZ Rodder Magazine The Chevy Fleetline, that the Fraser Team has proudly worked on, has had an amazing…Fraser CarsApril 5, 2011
Custom FabricationParts Wishbone Fabrication A skilled fabricator from Fraser Cars making another set of wishbonesFraser CarsMay 6, 2010