Saturday 14 February 2015. Taupo Motorsport Park.
This annual event never disappoints. Frasers and other ‘Sevenesque” cars travel from all over New Zealand to enjoy a day at the track, followed by a dinner in Taupo.
The forms have been emailed. The cut off date for entry is 23 January 2015. If you need a form please email the Fraser Car Club Secretary, Ron,
The day is open to all Fraser Car Club members. If you currently aren’t a member, the membership is $25 per financial year.
Just saw one of these on the road, heard it before I saw it, piloted up next to me, beautiful I thought Lotus, Caterham. The driver is just next to me so whadda sites one do? Talk to him, “Wow that looks good, what is it, a Caterram?” Nup, it’s a Fraser. “Never heard of em”. Made in NZ. Lights went green, the Fraser bolted & was gone into the dark. Only that lovely exhaust note fading on the wind.